

Simply Decorative Piece means to make something Look more Attractive and more Practical . We can say it work as Glitters to make our main Piece which we want to highlight that can be Possible by the Decorative Piece . Just as we can see in the above Picture this Decorative Paper Lantern Can be the main Highlight in the Dark Room , That makes us more Curious that how this simple Paper Lantern Can be Represented in such a way that can make huge difference . So From this we can see that Life can be Really mean when it comes to the Representation , If two people had made same project but one knows how to Represent the Project in Better way , so It's Definitely Clear that the one who knows better way to Represent the project will get good grades . So Sometimes Representation Also makes huge Difference .   

Smart Or Dumb

Life is all about how you live , it's up to you whether you want to live it Smartly or Dumbly . And this Smartness or Dumbness is not only about the life decisions but it's also about how to live the life Enjoying without Worrying about the Rest of the World . Just as the above pic shows just Put aside the Phone and get Disconnected from the World and just Relax on the Beach . Because Sometimes We get so much Stressful in the Life and We need the Break from the World , It can be any Activity which helps us to Relax from all this Tiredness of the World and Give Ourselves us a Break .


Life is all about the Perspective , Just like Some People we see who always thinks Negatively while Some People always thinks Positively . And Those Negative People's Mindset Effects us bad and also made us just like them . As just for example take above picture Positive Mindset People will say that it Spreads Light in Three-Color in the Dark , While Negative Mindset People will say that it is a simple bulb which is colored from outside that's it , Nothing Special about it . And These Negative People effect us badly if we had their Company , While with Positive People if we had their Company it can be Benefited us for our Life . So The Perspective in the life is Very much Important .


Clouds teaches us how to be Stress-Free in the Life , Always live your life like it's the last day of our life , Enjoy as much as you can . Clouds shows us how to go with the flow , Sometimes God has Prepared for us Something Exciting but for that we need to let's go with the flow like the way God has Planned for us . It's well known Phrase that Sometimes it's okay to let it go , because maybe there is more Wonderful thing ahead for us .  And We need to be as flexible as the Clouds are they Flow with Air like they are made of nothing , but for us it's like whenever we think it's not okay to let go , we should let it because Who knows God had Planned more Gorgeous Life ahead for us .


Darkness can be Helpful many times for our Brain-Storming , Whenever we feel a little bit of lost of just need to be distinct from the world to relax ourselves we just need Start Walking into the Dark Alleyway . Because Sometimes In those Dark Alleyways we see somethings that can inspire us To do something more Innovative that can be helpful to us for the life which is ahead of us . So Sometimes it's for Everyone's Best that we get Lost in the Dark Alleyway and Come out of it with some Brain-Storming Innovation , that not only change our Life-Style , But Also Affects to others but in the Good Manner . So It's Okay to Walk-Out of the Current Situation for sometime and Come back with Mind Blowing Solution .  


There are so much things we need to learn from the Nature to make our life more and more Better , and above picture is just one of those example . Just See How Conch is Sticked on the rock near the sea on sea-shore , and the waves of water comes and go on daily routine , but it always get sticked to rock , we need to learn from that Conch is to Stick to our decision in a way and do not get easily affected by others influence related to our decision , Remember one thing Never Ever Doubt Or Question Your-Self . And this also not only means Stick to our decision every-time , Sometimes Other Person can be True , You need to Accept it and Not to Loose faith in Your-Self .   


Sometimes Smallest Spark can make huge difference , In Life we just need that Spark or Ignition to start exploring far from our boundaries , which makes us more Adaptive so that we can fit any situation , And that Adaptive nature we need in our life , so that we can fit in any Situation with anyone . And this Spark we can get from anything , like the Source of that Spark can be our Parents , Relatives , it can be Strangers or it can be Nature . Personally what I think is Nature is the Best Teacher , From the Nature we get Spark which we are finding and sometimes it also happens that which Ignition or Spark we needed for our life is just beside us but we can't find it , All we need an Eye for it to Find it . So keep looking for it , It can be anywhere .